Consume Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids nourish dry skin, and they also do a lot of other great things for your body (such as reversing heart disease, reducing depression, and improving brain cognition). You can take omega-3 supplements, such as fish oil, or you can add more omega-3s to your diet by eating foods rich in this particular fat. If you currently have dry skin, it could be a sign that you’re not getting enough omega-3 in your diet.
Flaxseed is an excellent source of omega-3, and this is how I work this fat into my daily diet. I eat a homemade muesli blend for breakfast each day, and I add flaxseed powder to the mix to boost the omega-3. You can also boost your omega-3 intake by eating more cold water fish (like tuna and salmon), soybeans, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts.
Flaxseed is an excellent source of omega-3, and this is how I work this fat into my daily diet. I eat a homemade muesli blend for breakfast each day, and I add flaxseed powder to the mix to boost the omega-3. You can also boost your omega-3 intake by eating more cold water fish (like tuna and salmon), soybeans, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts.