Natural Beauty Skin Care

How reduce oil on face natural

4:04 AM # treat # 0 comments
what can I do reduce oil on my face which wouldn't led be keep a pretty face all day. How to reduce oil on face fast and naturally without harming the skin. At the very least, oily face skin attracts more dirt, which can result in large pores. Use a few simple Way to control an cure oil on your face skin
Citrus essential oils - Lemon, grapefruit, tangerine and orange, helps treat oily skin without the worry of harsh ingredients coming in contact with the skin. Find an all-natural herbal lotion base and add 3 to 4 drops per ounce of the citrus essential oil of choice to the base ( herbal lotion, skin toner, aloe Vera gel, witch hazel). This homemade hair loss treatment is best applied in the evening to help prevent oily skin. Wash the face thoroughly every morning with a mild antibacterial soap prior to facial applications.
Keep it clean. Though oily skin does not necessarily mean dirty skin, the extra oil can aid in trapping extra unwanted particles close to your skin, as well as dead skin cells that normally should just fall off.

These trapped components can lead to clogged pores which in turn mean acne and blackheads for you. Therefore you should keep your skin clean by washing it a certain amount every day.
Time it right. There is no definitive number of times you should wash your skin because each person has different skin types and thus have different skin needs. Washing too often will strip your skin of too many of its natural oils and it will only produce more, which does nothing for your problem. Try starting out by washing once a day and if you feel like you need to wash again, bump the number to twice a day and see how your skin reacts. Once you know the correct number, you can continue that routine in order to combat your oily skin.
Scrub it. Give your skin some exfoliation by scrubbing it with products made specifically for oily skin or other home remedies you find that work well. A good scrub can also help rid your skin of extra oil on its surface, but be warned, as just like dry skin, too much exfoliation will produce your skin into making more oil which again fails to help your problem.

How to reduce oil on face fast and naturally

Wear a mask. No, this is not to imply you should go out into the world disguised or with a bag over your head. Wearing a mask, such as clay, for a few minutes of your day can do wonders to help soothe your skin and absorb extra oil. You can either buy mask products or find proven methods of making your own.

Astringent. Wiping your face with a good astringent can also be a good tool against oily skin. The astringent will help remove the oil and also can come as individual wipes that you can carry with you in case you need a quick swipe later on in the day. Keep it blotted. If you do not have any astringent wipes with you, you should at least carry around tissues or special oil blotters to help soak up any extra oil your face produces during the day. This way if you notice your face becoming too oily a quick dab can put you back on track.
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