Natural Beauty Skin Care

Natural Beauty Tricks for reduce Oil face skin

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When people think about acne prevention, and products that can help them have clear skin, the products that come to mind are usually daily cleansers and spot treatments. But an effective and often overlooked skincare product is the face mask. Remove blackheads with exfoliate

Reduce Oil On The Face So the solution to reducing oil? Finding acne products that help balance and calm your skin. This means using gentle products that work with your skin, not against it. Natural acne products are a great way to give your skin what it needs while fighting acne.
How to remove oil in the face
1. Use tomato / cucumber.
Before bedtime, gosoklan sliced tomato or cucumber all over your face every day. Using more tomatoes than cucumbers cheap, and is also easily available in the market.
2. Use warm water
The morning before a shower, a time to make hot water, then dip a clean cloth into hot water earlier, and then lapkan kewajjah you have rubbed with tomatoes in the evening. It aims to remove the layer of fat on your face.
3. Use Bengkoang and potatoes
Take yam and potato taste. Then puree, how do you soften up both ingredients separately, you can grind and use a blinder. After that make your face a mask section has been washed first. Use at bedtime in order to survive long in the face. Besides being able to remove the oil on the face, Bengkoang and potatoes also can shrink pores on the face

The main cause of the appearance of oil on the face.

If you have managed to remove the oil on the face you, then you should not keep your face oily again. Here are some of the main factors causing the emergence of oil on the face.

1. Dietary factors
The food you eat affects your face turns out, if you are eating fatty foods and oils that acne appears on your face. Therefore eat less fat and replace it with food from plants

2. Descent
The fruit does not fall far from the tree. If your parents used to also have that oily face then you are also likely to have a face like your parents berminhyak

3. Error using cosmetics
In choosing cosmetics you should choose cosmetics that pl smart with your skin, because some types of cosmetics are sensitive on your skin type. You should first consult the doctor about your skin type

4. Hormones Factor
Adolescence is a period of rapid enough growth hormone, a hormone imbalance can lead to, the oil on your face. Oily face will actually disappear by itself when already grown up, look at your parents, no one else has an oily face is not it?.
That's some way remove the oil on the face, pretty easy right? good luck good luck.
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